Sunday, December 14, 2008

Golf Fitness: The Easiest at Home Golf Fitness Program

Find out how your can have your own golf fitness instructor without ever having to leave the comfort of your home. Learn how golf fitness training will improve your swing and substantially lower your handicap.

How do golf and fitness go together? Why do I need golf fitness training? What difference would a golf fitness program make to my golf game?

I can tell you all about that from what I have seen with my friend and golfing buddy, Dooley Duffer.

Dooley had been away from the game for some years. His career and family took priority over his time and golf, although he loved it, it just would not fit into his schedule. As he advanced in his career he became less physically active. He even moved to a management position so time in the office was nothing like the work he had been doing.

His body began to show his change in lifestyle. Don’t tell him I told you this, but his middle seemed to grow faster than his salary. Bet you know how that story goes, huh?

He had only played very occasionally during that time. So I don’t think he realized how much being out of shape affected his golf swing performance.

Then Dooley changed companies and began to play golf regularly again thanks to his new boss who had recently taken up the game. With his kids grown Dooley now had more time to devote to golf and it only took one round back on the course to re-ignite the passion which had burned so brightly in days gone by.

As he began to play more often his physical limitations became more and more of an issue. He struggled at times to finish a round; scores would escalate due to inconsistent swings, loss of concentration and general fatigue. He would even huff and puff when walking up hills in spite of always riding a cart. I can remember having to wait for him to catch his breath before he could putt on elevated greens. No chance he could walk when he played.

Then over a few weeks I began to notice improvement in Dooley’s game. Less and less of the struggles I had noticed before and more successful golf shots, better concentration and less fatigue. He even began saying he wanted to play an extra 9 holes!

You see, conditioning is critical to your overall golf performance. And poor physical conditioning will certainly ruin your golf performance. Just ask Dooley about that.

What was Dooley’s secret? Had he hired a golf fitness trainer? Did he use golf fitness videos? What had he done to improve his fitness for golf and his golf handicap?

Turns out he had not done any of those things exactly. He said he found this golf fitness eBook called “Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide” by Mike Pedersen. Seems Mike’s eBook is about how to improve your golf fitness at home in less than 30 days. Mike says that the secret to lower scores and longer drives is all about getting your body to move just a little bit better.

Dooley said that he took the advice seriously and began to feel results quickly. He began to notice he felt better on the course. That was very encouraging to him and he was able to keep at it. He had tried exercising before but soon lost interest but this was different. He could see improvement and he knew why! The Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide had delivered on its promise. Dooley says this is the kind of thing anyone could and should do from home to improve their fitness for golf.

Having watched Dooley now for these past few months make such wonderful progress, I too can recommend “Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide”. (Yes, I am on it now too.)

If you need help with your golf fitness program, if you run short of breath at times or struggle scoring over the last few holes of a round then please look into how Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide could help you see the same kind of improvement Dooley is experiencing.

Golf fitness training found here. Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide


Wayne Hudler is an avid golfer of over 30 years and golf writer. He writes reviews of golf improvement products sharing his opinion and experience with each. His reviews have been likened to your best golf shot, straight and down the middle.

Are you struggling with your golf swing? Learn how to get a better more consistent swing and shoot like the pros. Money back guarantee. How to Break 80

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Golf Swing Instruction: How You Can Get the Golf Ball Airborne Today.

Stop hitting those embarrassing worm burners today and begin to easily carry your ball over the hazards instead of into them. Learn how the laws of physics, when correctly applied to your golf swing, will get the ball airborne on the correct trajectory making it fly farther and straighter than ever before!

Topping a golf shot is embarrassing and frustrating. Why is so hard to get the ball airborne on the proper trajectory? After all, you did take the time to go through your set-up routine checking alignment, posture, balance and so on. You placed the club carefully behind the ball. You execute the backswing and then the downswing only to see a shot where the ball barely gets off the ground if at all (hence the term worm burner) rolling to a stop nowhere near your intended landing area. You are most likely left with an impossible second shot where going for the green is nearly out of the question. Now this looks like the best you can do is bogey with double bogey very much in play.

When Dooley Duffer, my golfing buddy, started topping shots a few weeks back he was so embarrassed and discouraged. He began trying to explain it to us as the round progressed. “I can’t remember when I have ever topped the ball so much. That is just not like me. I have tried to make adjustments to correct the trajectory but I am still topping the ball.” he said.

Well his memory and mine are a bit different. As I recall he goes through spells where he tops the ball resulting in short and extremely low trajectory shots. So I gently reminded him that he had a similar problem this past January (We live in the Charlotte, NC area where year round play is possible). Then while he was commiserating over another topped shot, this one his second to a long par 5, I asked him what he did to correct the issue the last time.

He replied that he had just downloaded the eBook “How to Break 80” by Jack Moorehouse back then. He said that Jack had some good golf tips and drills in that book. So I asked him, “When was the last time you looked it over?” To which he replied, “Based on the way I am playing it has been far too long! Let’s go back to my place after the round and look that over. I can’t stand to play this poorly any longer.”

You see golf, unlike some other sports, is a game of opposites. A golfer must swing easy to hit the ball far, aim to the right to make the ball turn left and then there is the one that was giving Dooley so much trouble that day. You must hit down on the ball to make it go up. That is how the rule of opposites works in golf.

This is counter-intuitive to most of us. We want to swing under the ball and lift it up into the air in an upward motion. That is logical but wrong because it ignores the laws of physics and the design of the face of the golf club. The lofted face is an important part of the club’s mechanics; put trust in it and it will do most of the work for you.

Jack Moorehouse explains it better than I can in his book “How to Break 80”

Here are 5 keys to stopping topped shots:
• Address the ball with a normal stance
• Position the ball inside your left heel
• Use a one-piece takeaway
• Use a descending blow
• Finish in balance

To eliminate topped shots address the ball as you normally would, but make sure the ball is no further forward than the inside of your left heel. This is the base of your swing arc. Positioning the ball back in your stance enables you to make contact at the lowest point of your swing. Use a one-piece takeaway and strike the ball with a descending blow. Finish in balance.

Moving the ball back in your stance generates more backspin. This backspin, when applied correctly, works to negate sidespin, which results in more control.

The Two Tee Drill
To stop topping shots put a tee in the spot you would normally use for a fairway wood. Instead of hitting from that tee, place another tee with a ball two inches behind the empty tee in front. As you hit a few shots focus on grazing the empty tee after you make contact with the ball. Repeat several times. As you practice, you’ll see your shots gaining more and more height.

After practicing with the fairway wood, try other clubs requiring a descending-to-level blow for consistent contact, such as hybrids, irons, and wedges. With hybrids, separate the tees one to two inches apart. With irons and wedges, an inch apart.

As you practice, you’ll see the number of top balls or thin shots dwindle. Eventually, the topped shot will make its way out of your repertoire altogether.

If you need sound golf swing instruction to help you develop the proper descending blow and lower your handicap then I would like to point you in the direction of How to Break 80. Then you too can use it like Dooley did as a future reference to help your swing when things go a bit haywire as they sometimes will.

The best thing is that all of this help is less than most lessons with a pro, a single training aide or instructional DVD. He is offering a 90-day money back guarantee, so if you don't like the book simply return it. But, once you get into his drills, I highly doubt that you'll need that guarantee.

No more worm burners, topped shots or grounders found here: How to Break 80.


Wayne Hudler is an avid golfer of over 30 years and golf writer. He writes reviews of golf improvement products sharing his opinion and experience with each. His reviews have been likened to your best golf shot, straight and down the middle.

His blog: How to Lower Your Golf Handicap.

Are you struggling with your golf swing? Learn how to get a better more consistent swing and shoot like the pros. Money back guarantee. How to Break 80.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Golf Swing Instruction: How to Develop a Repeatable Golf Swing

Find out the all important critical golf swing keys that will enable you to have a repeating golf swing and hit the farther and ball straighter. Lower scores and handicap will soon follow!

The other day I was watching a Golf Channel commercial where Tiger Woods was conducting a clinic. As part of the promo the played a quote from him where he said, "There is no one way to swing a golf club". Boy did that start me thinking.

You know how differently one pro golfer may swing compared to another (Jim Furyk vs Tiger). Yet they both score well and are highly ranked in the World Golf Standings. How can that be?

There is a golfer at our course who I thought of immediately when Tiger made that comment. We took notice of him some time back as he was normally on the course about the same time we played. He has the most quirky swing I have ever seen. So quirky that our group would often make humorous comments about it.

This fellow would take the club back to waist high, then pause, turn back, then pause again, then up to the top and another even longer pause and finally he would swing down and thru where he would hold the finish position for the longest time. He did all of this while appearing as stiff and mechanical as is possible for a human being. He reminds me of a human version of "Iron Byron".

As luck would have it, this one Saturday, Dooley Duffer and I were paired with him and his friend. We didn't realize it was the guy with the quirky swing until the first tee. As he began to take some practice swings to warm up there it was that herky jerky, stiff as a board, mechanical looking, robotic "Iron Byron" swing.

Dooley and I did all we could to hold back the chuckles. Mumbling to each other about how we were expecting a long round with this guy chasing his errant shots all over the place. We couldn’t have been more wrong!

This guy kept the ball in the fairway and hit most of the greens. He scored well on nearly every hole. Even shooting 2 under par on the back side! All with that quirky "Iron Byron" swing. He really shut us up.

How? He was able to repeat the swing over and over. As Dooley said later, "The ball did not care about all of that herky jerky stuff in his backswing, just the angle of the clubface at impact." And that guy certainly had a repeating golf swing in spite of or maybe because of all that herky jerky motion.

Here is what Jack Moorehouse, author of "How to Break 80...", has to say on the subject of repeating golf swings.

The more we can repeat the same swing, the more often we will achieve a predictable result -the secret to lower golf handicaps. To build a repeatable swing, we must:

· Stay connected
· Set the club on the correct plane.

Staying connected is a common factor found among all good repeatinggolf swings. The shoulders, arms, hands, and club should all move away from the ball in unison. Hinging or cocking the wrists sets the club on the correct plane, which keeps the clubface square to the path of the golf swing.

Two other important essentials in building a repeatable swing are:

· Swinging to the top of the slot
· Retaining power in the swing

If the club's shaft is horizontal to the ground, it should be parallel to the target line. The angle of the club should match the angle of the forearm while maintaining the original spine angle and head position. Settle the weight smoothly on the front side and start unwinding the upper body. The right elbow should be dropped down to the side.

Now I am not suggesting here that you work on developing a swing like "Iron Byron's". I think most of us would find it even more difficult to repeat his swing than a more conventional swing. That is because for most of us the conventional swing is the more repeatable golf swing.

Dooley even went to the range one day and tried the "Iron Byron" swing just for kicks so to speak. He kept hitting the ball with a high fade/slice. All the more admiration for the guy who made it work so well. At least for that round that very unconventional swing was a repeatable swing. And that repeating swing made all the difference between his scorecard and ours.

If you need sound golf swing instruction to help you develop a repeating golf swing and lower your handicap then I would like to point you in the direction of How to Break 80. It is far better than struggling on your own or trying to groove an unconventional repeatable swing like "Iron Byron's"!

The best thing is that all of this help is less than most lessons with a pro, a single training aide or instructional DVD. He is offering a 90-day money back guarantee, so if you don't like the book simply return it. But, once you get into his drills, I highly doubt that you'll need that guarantee.
A repeatable golf swing found here How to Break 80.


Wayne Hudler is an avid golfer of over 30 years and golf writer. He writes reviews of golf improvement products sharing his opinion and experience with each. His reviews have been likened to your best golf shot, straight and down the middle.

His blog: How to Lower Your Handicap.

Are you struggling with your golf swing? Learn how to get a better more consistent swing and shoot like the pros. Money back guarantee. How to Break 80.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Golf Swing Instruction: How to Properly Grip the Golf Club

Learn why the way you grip the club could be sabotaging every shot you attempt and an easy way make sure it doesn't happen ever again.

The only contact between you and the golf club is your grip. How you place your hands on the club can make all the difference in how your shot turns out. Therefore it is of great importance that you properly grip the club each time.

Are you confident you are properly griping the golf club? When shots are not flying as intended your golf grip should be among your first check points.

There are few components that comprise a proper golf grip. Club placement across the palm of the hand (high, mid, low), grip type (baseball, inter-locking, overlap), grip strength (strong, neutral, weak) and grip pressure are just a few.

Awhile back Dooley Duffer was spraying the ball to right more times than not. Those errant shots were starting out on line but low and then moved hard to the right. His round was in danger unless he could correct whatever was going wrong.

Dooley tried adjusting his stance, moved the ball further away at address and further forward trying to fix what was obviously an issue with an open club face at impact. His efforts met with only mixed results. He just couldn't figure out what to do next. That round went south and stayed there for him that day.

Since that day Dooley (and I) found a tremendous golf swing resource called "How to Break 80...and shoot like the pros" by Jack Moorehouse. Jack's book helped Dooley realize that he had slipped into a weak grip which was causing so much of his trouble that day.

Jack outlined a quick check method to determine that you properly grip the golf club. I have included it below.

Six Steps to a Sound Grip
Having the proper grip provides many benefits. It not only generates good swings, it also promotes consistency. And it goes a long way toward making sure that the clubface is in the right position at impact, improving ball striking. Below is a six-step approach to the correct grip, developed by Jim Flick, the well-known golf teacher. Follow his approach and you’ll grip your club correctly every time.

In a proper grip your palms should face each other. Your wrists should be able to hinge up and down with ease. And you hands should be “compatible,” so one doesn’t override the other. Also, you want to hold the club in your fingers to enhance the sensitivity for the weight and position of the club. Now follow these six steps:

1. Start by gripping the club with your left hand first, if you’re right-handed. (If you’re left-handed, grip it with the right hand.) Always put this hand on the club first because it’s your guide to sensing the alignment of the clubface.

2. Make sure the side of the grip is firmly against your fingers, with the club’s toe pointing up.

3. The club’s handle should rest just under the heel pad and runs to your index finger.

4. Now add your other hand. Make sure the grip touches the middle joints of your middle two fingers.

5. Your right hand lifeline fits over your left thumb if you’re right-handed and vice versa.

6. Hold the club at a 45-degree angle to feel wrist hinging and proper grip pressure.

Once he applied what he learned and began to correctly grip the golf club, Dooley hit the ball so much more effectively. He said, "I didn't know how much of a difference the correct grip would make in my swing". Dooley is a much better skins partner these days for sure thanks to his proper grip.

If you need sound golf swing instruction to help you perfect your golf swing and lower your handicap then I would like to point you in the direction of How to Break 80. If it helped Dooley Duffer than I am sure it can help you too!

The best thing is that all of this help is less than most lessons with a pro, a single training aide or instructional DVD. He is offering a 90-day money back guarantee, so if you don't like the book simply return it. But, once you get into his drills, I highly doubt that you'll need that guarantee.

Proper golf grip found here How to Break 80.


Wayne Hudler is an avid golfer of over 30 years and golf writer. He writes reviews of golf improvement products sharing his opinion and experience with each. His reviews have been likened to your best golf shot, straight and down the middle.

His blog :

Are you struggling with your golf swing? Learn how to get a better more consistent swing and shoot like the pros. Money back guarantee.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Golf Swing Instruction: How to Keep your Golf Swing on Plane.

Want to keep your ball on line and hit more fairways and greens? Then learn this simple golf swing plane drill to consistently and easily return the club to the ball on plane every time!

Ever watch the pros golf swing on TV? Most golf broadcast these days include a feature where the analyst, usually a former tour player, will examine a player’s swing using slow-motion stop action technology. They will draw lines representing the shaft angle (swing plane) at address and then follow the swing stopping at various points to comment on the club’s position relative to the swing plane established at address. The last thing they check is the club angle at impact. Most always the pros get the club angle at impact to match the angle they began with at address. They maintained their golf swing plane.

Dooley was talking about that very subject this weekend during our round. He was asking how, short of paying more that he could afford with a golf pro somewhere, the average golfer could tell that he was returning the club correctly at impact. He said, “I mean who is analyzing a video of my swing and drawing lines to show my swing plane?”

Jack Moorehouse, author of our favorite golf swing instruction eBook “How to Break 80…and Shoot like the Pros”, offers some good advice on the subject. Dooley and I stopped back by my place after the round to review his tips on the subject.

While you will need to combine this tip with other sound golf fundamentals to achieve a better golf swing and lower your handicap this is one of four important basics to a sound repeating golf swing. If you will use the golf swing plane drill he describes below you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly you'll see improvement in your game.

Here is what Jack has offered on the subject of swing plane.

You probably have heard the term before, but you’re not sure exactly what it is or how it applies to your swing. Plane is defined by the angle your club creates when it’s ground at address. To master accuracy, the club must remain on this plane as it approaches the ball on the downswing. Actually, most golfers have two swing planes—the one formed by your takeaway and the other generated by your downswing, which is slightly flatter.
Of the two, the second is the most important. It’s the most powerful and direct route to the ball, as I’ve mentioned in my golf tips. Coming back to the ball above or below this plane short-circuits your power and causes pulls, slices, and an assortment of other types of bad shots. Ideally, you want to perfect your swing so that you’re always coming back to the ball on plane.

Plane Drill:
Place two shafts on the ground to represent the target line and two tees in the ground just outside the target line. Stick a tee in the grip end of your club before setting up. Now, address the ball and start your backswing. At the three-quarter position of your backswing, the tee in the club’s grip should point to the target line or out to the tee line. If the club’s butt points past or over the target line, the plane angle is too flat, so you need to do more work to perfect this basic. Keep working on the drill.

Dooley said he was sure glad to have that eBook available for easy reference. He said, “Maybe this eBook is better than a visit to a golf pro because I can review this anytime I need a refresher.” Now that may be the smartest thing Dooley has had to say in a long time.

Don’t continue another minute wondering if your swing is on plane or not. If you are having trouble keeping the ball on line, if you slice or hook on a regular basis, if you are missing fairways and greens then it is highly likely that your swing plane is different at impact than it was at address.

If you need sound golf swing instruction to help you perfect your golf swing and lower your handicap then I would like to point you in the direction of How to Break 80. If it helped Dooley Duffer than I am sure it can help you too!

The best thing is that all of this help is less than most lessons with a pro, a single training aide or instructional DVD. He is offering a 90-day money back guarantee, so if you don't like the book simply return it. But, once you get into his drills, I highly doubt that you'll need that guarantee.

Golf swing plane cure found here How to Break 80.


Wayne Hudler is an avid golfer of over 30 years and golf writer. He writes reviews of golf improvement products sharing his opinion and experience with each. His reviews have been likened to your best golf shot, straight and down the middle.

Check out his blog at

Don't continue to struggle with your golf swing. Learn how to get a better more consistent swing and shoot like the pros. Money back guarantee.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Golf's Unique Benefits

You know golf provides many pleasures not readily seen by the casual observer. The unique bond amongst your playing partners can be like that, at least for me. More so, the fellowship often enjoyed with others at a social event or maybe a dinner out can be enhanced further with your friends while on the course.

My friend, Dooley Duffer, was just telling me about his afternoon on the golf course yesterday which made me think about this unusual aspect of the game we all love.

Dooley travelled back to Lakeland, Fl for a family Thanksgiving Day visit. He lived and worked in this area for about 15 years and has many friends from that time but just a few close ones. He, as his custom is, called ahead and made arrangements for them to get together on the course while he was in town. So they spent the Friday afternoon after Thanksgiving on a local course.

Dooley talked about how nice the weather was, how the round went and he even mentioned how he watched a guy in the group in front of him yank on left off the first tee. Apparently that tee shot went so far left that it passed in front of an oak tree not 20 yards ahead and 20 yards to the left of the fairway. Dooley didn't laugh or mock the guy. He was just amazed how that shot went so far wrong so fast. Dooley remembers the days when he wasn't sure where his ball would finish.

The group for the day was described as an "A" player who is a near scratch golfer, a pair of brothers who were "C" players and Dooley who is a "B" which is as he puts it, a bogey golfer.

When Dooley talked about the round he didn't spend much time on how he finished or how the others played. Turns out he shot 88, 2 shots better than his handicap. Yet I didn't hear so much about his game, as I normally would, but about how he enjoyed the day with his old friends. How they talked of their families, their current jobs and thoughts on nearing retirement. They reminisced about the old days when they all worked together pointing out the highlights and lowlights of those days gone too far into the past.

As he spoke I noticed the sparkle in his eyes, the slight but persistent grin that would show up when he paused for thought and the more than normal display of hand gestures that told me more than his words that this simple round of golf was special in a way he was having difficulty expressing. Somehow for him the proper words for his joy were teasingly unavailable.

For this observer, even I am not sure I have found the linguistics to due justice to what was going on inside of Dooley that evening. I do know that I was left with the thought that golf is a multifaceted experience for many of us. Sure there is the challenge of competing against yourself, the course, the scorecard and your group. I can not remember even once leaving the course and hearing someone say, “Today I played the absolute best round I could have, didn’t leave even 1 shot on the course”.

But for Dooley yesterday was more about the dividends he was able to deposit in his emotional bank. Stored there for those times when life is not so kind.

So take heart friends, golf is not just about your swing mechanics, the score or your handicap. No, it goes beyond the measurable to things not measured on paper and understanding that is to begin to grasp our fascination with this most unique of sporting activities.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Golf Swing Instruction: Proper Posture is the Secret to a Succesful Golf Swing

Learn to break 80 with this often overlooked golf swing fundamental. Once you learn to start every swing from the proper posture your scores will fall like nobody's business!

My friend, Dooley Duffer, struggled with proper golf swing posture. He didn't even know he had the problem for the longest time. He worked on his takeaway and downswing. He changed his ball position. Next he bought a couple of new drivers and later still changed his grip. Still he had the dreaded golf slice with the occasional pull hook! Poor Dooley just kept trying different solutions without success.

Dooley is a devoted golfer. He loves the game. He enjoys the way golf challenges him to improve, the competition amongst his playing partners and the entire experience of being on the course. Like many of us he is hooked on the game by the occasional spurts of good play which keep him coming back and seeking help to lower his handicap.

Golf can be a challenging game to conquer. While it appears to the casual observer to be a seemingly simple thing, a good golf swing soon becomes an elusive experience for the average golfer. More times than not the ball fails to find the intended line or flight. Why is that?

For those seeking golf swing improvement the source of their problems may be any combination of things such as swing mechanics, ball position or grip pressure. Many times we seek to improve those areas when we really need to start as they say "at the beginning".

Proper golf swing posture is one of the most overlooked fundamentals of the golf swing. Your posture has a significant influence on the direction and path your golf club will travel during the golf swing.

Posture is the key element to the golf set-up. Spine angle, stance width, arm hang and chin position all are variables determined prior to ever making a swing. An improper posture will cause everything else you try to do with your swing to go awry. Even a perfect swing executed from an improper golf swing posture will yield undesirable results.

So how did ole Dooley Duffer overcome his swing faults? I can't say that he has completely. But he did find some help that made a real noticeable difference in his game. At first I didn't put a whole lot of stock in the improvement I was seeing. I thought the golf gods were being temporarily generous, something I know all too well. However his golf swing improvement continued far too long to be a passing fancy.

So I had to ask. He shared with me that he had discovered an eBook that helped him work on his swing fundamentals. He told me what the book taught was not some quick fix or a single swing key. He said the eBook has helped him with every part of his swing, especially proper posture. The author takes the holistic approach to teaching the golf swing. Dooley was telling me that he may never be a scratch golfer but that he felt like his game would continue to improve over time as he applied what the book had to offer.

Well between what my eyes had seen and the confidence in Dooley's voice I was convinced to check this eBook out for myself and I was not disappointed.

How to Break 80 by Jack Moorehouse is a great resource for guys like Dooley and I. He is here to help you improve your golf swing, lower your handicap and play better golf. Thousands of golfers, many like you and I, have found his teachings to be right on target.

If you are ready to begin seriously working on your game, beginning with your swing posture, then please allow me to recommend "How to Break 80..." for your consideration. Save yourself the hundreds of dollars golf professionals charge for lessons while gaining valuable golf swing knowledge. You can spend your savings on extra rounds with lower scores!

Maybe you will see ole Dooley out there with you.

Learn to use correct posture and other swing fundamentals by clicking here -
How to Break 80.


Wayne Hudler is an avid golfer of over 30 years and golf writer. He writes reviews of golf improvement products sharing his opinion and experience with each. His reviews are like your best golf shot, straight and down the middle.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Golf Instruction: How to Cure a Golf Slice

Learn the golf fundamentals to find a real fix for the dreaded golf slice!

Is there anything more embarrassing to a golfer than the dreaded slice? I mean other than the total whiff, what golf event has you feeling the need to explain yourself to your playing partners. I've said or heard all of the excuses. Like someone blew a car horn, the dog was barking or even the crows were too loud to list a few. Embarrassing indeed. No wonder so many of us are saying, "Someone please help cure my slice!"

I remember my moment of desperation. I was playing a long par 3 when my attempt at a tee shot went terribly to the right. It started out briefly on the correct line, but then not far past the ladies tee it turned hard to the right. This was more than your normal slice. The ball seemed to turn nearly 90 degrees! What made it worse was that there were homes along the hole. This ball hit someone's aluminum patio enclosure with such force it sounded like a gun shot. Folks all over the course took notice of the sound. Everyone within view was staring at me, the folks on the green, the next tee and the prior green. What a hopeless duffer.

I began in earnest to seek an effective golf slice cure. I bought books, read magazines, talked to my golf buddies, searched websites and even paid for lessons. They all offered good advice but I had little success in finding a slice correction. So I bought training gadgets and tools. Still little progress.

Then I came across a popular eBook a guy recommended to me during a golf tournament. It is written by Jack Moorehouse and has helped over 100,000 golfers improve their game.

You see what I learned is that it is not just a grip change, or just stance adjustment, or just a takeaway or a downswing correction that is needed. What I needed and was able to do with Jack’s help was work on all the swing components that factored into my striking the ball with an open clubface causing the slice. Eureka! I found a cure for a golf slice.

No longer would I have to aim far left and hope the ball stayed in play on the right somewhere. Golf has been a lot more fun for me since then!

Jack Moorehouse is considered one of the best golf guru's in the country and he's here to help you with his best-selling golf eBook, "How to Break 80...And Shoot Like the Pros."

If you are really serious about fixing your slice I could not recommend any better source to you than “How to Break 80…”.

The best thing is that all of this help is less than most lessons with a pro, a single training aide or instructional DVD. And he is offering a 90-day money back guarantee, so if you don't like the book simply return it. But, once you get into
his drills, I highly doubt that you'll need that guarantee.

Slice cure found here How to Break 80.


Wayne Hudler is an avid golfer of over 30 years and golf writer. He writes reviews of golf improvement products sharing his opinion and experience with each. His reviews are like your best golf shot, straight and down the middle.

Check out his blog at

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Break 80: You Really Can Play Better Golf!

Here's How to Lower Your Handicap...

Are you a frustrated golfer? Do you know you have it in you to play much better golf? Are you scoring in the 90's but feel as though you are capable of breaking 80? Have you taken golf lessons to improve your golf swing and lower your golf handicap?

Why is golf on the one hand so enjoyable and on the other hand so frustrating? I think it stems from our inability to play to the level we expect of ourselves. At least for me a great deal of the disappointments I experience on the golf course come from the misconception that I am better than the score indicates. If only those few tee shots had gone strait, the second shot on number 7 had not been topped or the 3 putts had not been left just inches short then I would have shot 87 instead of 93.

Well let's be realistic here. We all know the score is the score. It is the best measure of rating my performance on the course. I did hit those errant shots and the "extra" strokes were the price I had to pay for poor execution on my part. I was not a good at this game as I thought. That is facing the hard facts and once I did that I knew I needed to improve my execution if my golf handicap was going to improve. It was high time to seek out some golf instruction. If that is where you are, then I have some advice that will help you lower your golf handicap too.

Like you, I am always trying to improve my game and reach my highest potential. I remember when my goal was to break 100, then to break 90 and now I want to break 80.

If you plan to play your best golf ever this year, you may be surprised how easy it can be.

My good friend Jack Moorehouse is considered one of the best golf guru's in the country and he's here to help you with his best-selling golf eBook, "How to Break 80...And Shoot Like the Pros." This book helped me to lower my handicap by nearly 10 strokes in one season.

I have talked him into not raising the price of his book as he stated he would, so I want you to hurry and get this gem while it's still half price. Do you want to break 100, break 90 or even break 80? Then get to work on your golf handicap by educating yourself about the golf swing, your golf swing, by reading the best golf improvement eBook available.

Click here How to Break 80.

It's jam-packed with easy and simple golf drills, strategies and advice that will quickly improve your distance, accuracy and handicap. With it being the off season for most of you, this is the BEST time to do this program. You have more time indoors, so let's get after it!

Click here How to Break 80.